Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The best $4.50 I've ever spent

Well, maybe not ever, but it was pretty darn good.

Friday night Lisa and I sat down to make a batch of cupcakes. Yes, we were Betty Crockering it up and spent a good 10 minutes at the grocery store, weighing the ethical and moral dilemnas of knowingly creating potluck food that was filled with trans fats and chemicals with 5+ syllable names, but at the end of the day it was already 8PM and we had decorating to do!

With one tub of frosting and 3 food coloring hues in hand [yellow, green and blue, her red was still in the classroom], we individually decorated each and every one of those 23 cupcakes. And man, was it fun. Primaries, secondaries, tertiaries, bright colors light colors, shading ...

Stripes, swirls, pictures, modern art, spikes for those punk attitudes out there, school spirit to boot, plus a couple eggs thrown in for good measure [I was taking them to a potluck for a salmonella lab]. There was no end to the possibilities, and that's the beauty of it. Sometimes to have fun or to enjoy the pleasure of a good friend's company, doesn't involve expensive dinners or novel locales. Sometimes all it takes is a can of [albeit dubious] pre-made frosting, some popsicle sticks, and a lot of laughter.

Bring on the goofiness. And the imagination. And the future van Goghs.

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